101st Reg't Indiana Volunteers

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101st Indiana At Andersonville Prison
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Dr. William B. Graham Biography
101st Indiana Battle Flags
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State Library 101st Articles about Soldiers
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My Favorite Links
Mission Ridge Report
John Beals Chickamauga Letter
Chickamauga Newspaper Article
Co. C Pensioners
101st Officers and Staff
Company A Muster Roll Hamilton County
Company B Muster Roll Wells County
Company C Muster Roll Tipton County
Company D Muster Roll Madison/Hamilton Counties
Company E Muster Roll Madison,Grant, Delaware Counties
Company F Muster Roll Grant/Wabash Counties
Company G Muster Roll Wells County
Company H Muster Roll Grant County
Company I Muster Roll Grant County
Company K Muster Roll Huntington/Wabash Counties

XIV Army Corps Badge

There are many different books that deal with the American Civil War.  The 101st Indiana fought in many Western battles, so the list will only include titles focusing on this area of the War.  If you have any suggestion's for books that can be placed here, feel free to e-mail me at b.d.henry@worldnet.att.net.
This Terrible Sound "The Battle of Chickamauga" by Peter Cozzins
No better place to Die "The Battle of Stone River" by Peter Cozzins
Shipwreck of their Hopes "The Battle of Mission Ridge" by Peter Cozzins
Annals of the Army of the Cumberland by Fitch
68th Indiana Regimental History
75th Indiana Regimental History
Rebel Son's of Erin
Fighting for Liberty and Right (The CW diary of William Bluffton Miller 75th Ind. Infantry) Edited by Jeffrey Patrick and Robert Willey
Some of these books I can't remember the names of the Authors but I highly recommend the books by Peter Cozzins.  He does an excellent job in discribing the situation before and during the actual fighting.  History teaches us that we must never forget our past but always remember so the next generation can share the struggles of our forefathers before us.